Order Description
This is a dissertation and I have attached a proposal for the writers benefit. The dissertation must be structured and have the following:
Abstract (approx. 300 words)
A one page summary outlining the background to the project, aims and objectives, methods and techniques, main findings and conclusions.
List chapter by chapter the contents of the dissertation including Appendices and Bibliography, followed by a list of illustrations, figure by figure. Each listed item should have a page reference number in the dissertation.
Chapter 1– Introduction (approx. 500 words)
This should include background information on the subject under research, including appropriate concepts, theories, ongoing debates and issues. There should be a statement of the problem, the research questions and hypothesis if appropriate. The background should lead naturally into a clear statement of Aims and Objectives.
Chapter 2 – Literature Review (approx. 2500 words)
This chapter should provide a critical analysis of the literature on the topic under consideration identifying key issues. The literature review should not be a list of books articles you have read. It may be organised into themes on the topic you are researching and can also include findings of previous research. While researching and writing up the literature review, you should refer to your Aims and Objectives.
Chapter 3 – Methodology (approx. 1200 words)
In this chapter you should explain the overall approach to your research, and how you have conducted your secondary and primary research. You should explain your choice of research method(s) and the technique(s) selected for gathering data. You must explain why your chosen method(s) and technique(s) were preferred to others, how information is to be collected and the sampling technique. You should also discuss bias, and how you intend to eliminate or to minimise it to produce valid, reliable results. If there are any ethical issues associated with your research discuss them here.
Chapter 4 – Findings: Results, Analysis and Discussion (approx. 2700 words)
Present the main findings of your research here in a complete, clear and helpful way. Material may be organized thematically with appropriate headings or linked directly to your objectives.
Data from your primary research should be presented in this section and analysed with critical commentary. Comment on the quality of the responses and the reliability/limitations of the findings. It may be appropriate to present data in tables or charts. For example data from a questionnaire survey may be presented in tables, bar charts or pie charts. Data from interviews may be displayed in charts, matrices or networks.
The findings should be discussed in detail and related to your aims and objectives and to the literature review. Discuss similarities and differences between you primary research and your secondary research. It is not appropriate to introduce new literature here. It is more about placing your findings in a wider context.
Chapter 5 – Conclusion and Recommendations (approx. 500 words)
The conclusion should provide a succinct summary of your investigation, emphasizing your findings and their relationship to your Aims and Objectives. Essentially, there should be nothing new in this chapter: no new data, no new information, no further analysis or argument. The only new material which might be appropriate are any recommendations you wish to make regarding modification to theory or further research, or for practitioners or organizations which may benefit from a knowledge of the outcomes of the study.
Chapter 6 – Evaluation and reflections (approx. 300 words)
This could be included in the previous chapter, if you wish. It is a reflective critique of the research, including an assessment of how effectively the investigation has addressed the Aims and Objectives and an evaluation of the research approaches used.
Reference List
A list of sources used, presented in the format of the Harvard system of referencing. List sources alphabetically by surname.
Charts, tables, completed questionnaires, interview transcripts and other relevant information which is referred to in the project may be located here